Welcome to Medico's Partners Program. If you are an existing affiliate, please log in to access your control panel.

If you are not a partner, but wish to become one, you will need to apply here to register.


As a partner with Medico International Inc., you can direct patients to your “Post-Op Recovery Shop” right on your website. By clicking on that link, patients will will land on your personal selection of compression garments and recovery-related products to choose from including Medico's compression garments, Sculptures Liposuction Foam, scar treatments, recovery aids and more.

Medico’s support service team will assist your customer, via phone, email, or even with a private fitting in our facilities, located 90 minutes from Manhattan. We will then ship and bill directly to your patient. You receive 20% of the quarterly net sales made from your Post-Op Recovery Shop. You will have the ability to track your sales. Medico provides you with all the tools at no charge.

Join today! Let Medico International Inc. enhance your practice. It is this quality, combined with competitive pricing and same-day shipping that sets Medico above the rest.

Benefits to you:
Increased monthly revenue to you without investment.
Assurance that the garments you specify are among the highest quality in the compression garment industry available to your patient, encouraging compliance. Additional support service to offer your patient population and build patient loyalty!
Easy and could not be more cost effective. No hassles with inventory, shipping, returns or credit card processing. Complement your site with quality content and easy navigation through hundreds of healing solutions.

Benefits to your patients:
Direct access to the highest quality garments and items that are “doctor specified”especially for their needs.
The best in support, service and shipping.
Convenient, private, secure online ordering.