Silicone strips designed for C-section (cesarean) and hysterectomy treatment sites. With Epi-Derm silicone gel strips for scars in the C-strip configuration, you can heal your surgical scars beautifully and enjoy swimsuit season.
Contains: 1 Strip (3.6 x 15 cm/ 1.4 x 6 in)
All Epi-Derm sheets can be trimmed as needed, providing maximum comfort
SG-802 Silicone Gel Sheeting
1. Wash both hands and scar tissue site in mild soapy water. Pat dry.
2. Open the non-sterile pouch containing the Silicone Gel Sheet. Separate the corner layers of the pouch, then pull the top layer down to expose the gel sheet.
3. The gel sheet is covered on both sides by a plastic film. Remove both sides of plastic prior to use.
4. The gel sheet may be cut into smaller pieces using scissors or a scalpel. Once you have determined the appropriate size of sheeting to use, apply tacky side to the scar. The piece of gel sheeting should fully cover the scar and extend ¼ inch all the way around the scar border.
5. The exposed surface of the gel sheet may be covered with surgical tape or bandage to help hold in place and to prevent sticking to other surfaces.
Optimal wearing time for Silicone Gel Sheeting is 24 hours a day. Remove the gel sheet every 12 hours to wash both the scar and the gel sheet in mild soapy water. Using a low foaming skin cleanser, fill a basin with warm water and work up a small amount of lather with the soap. Gently wash the piece of gel sheeting in the soapy water, rinse, and let air dry. After washing, rinsing, and drying the scar site, re-apply the piece of gel sheeting. If it is not possible to wear the gel sheet for the recommended 24 hour period, a minimum of 12 hours per day is required, washing per the instructions above once in that period.
Follow this procedure each day, washing and re-applying the gel sheeting to the scar for 10 to 14 days. At that time the piece of gel sheeting will begin to lose its adhesive quality and/or may become embedded with surface dirt. When this occurs, discard the piece of gel sheeting and apply a new piece.
The overall optimal period of use is 8 to 12 weeks.